Wednesday, April 15, 2020

How To Cook Delicious Chicken Curry

 guys, you are here at the right place in 

New Eating Recipes .. . 

"how to cook chicken curry properly"

:: Delicious chicken curry ::

The following ingredients need to be used to make chicken curry ::

- 1/2 chicken
- 1 lime fruit
- 1 geprek lemongrass stick
- 2 bay leaves
- 2 pieces of orange leaf
- 200 ml thin coconut milk
- 200 ml thick coconut milk
- sufficient boiled water
- to taste salt and powdered broth.

Softened seasoning ::

- 6 cloves of shallot
- 3 cloves Garlic
- 3 grilled hazelnut
- 4 cm young galangal
- 3 cm turmeric
- 3 cm ginger
- 1 tablespoon coriander
- 1 teaspoon ground pepper
- 5 pieces of cayenne pepper
- 10 curly red chilies

The following is the correct way to make chicken curry ::

- Wash the chicken meat thoroughly and coat it with lime leave it for about 10 minutes

- Saute the spice paste until fragrant, add bay leaves, orange leaves and lemongrass, stir until the spices are cooked, add chicken, stir well, cook until it changes color, add salt and broth

- Add the runny coconut milk and water, cook on medium heat until the chicken meat is tender

- After the sauce has shrunk and tender chicken meat, add thick coconut milk, cook while continuing to stir until the coconut milk boils and the seasoning is absorbed.. .

after cooked lift and serve.. .

Good Luck Guys.. .

Read Too : Cara Membuat Mie Ayam yang Simple Tapi Enak Banget

Thanks for wanting to visit New Eating Recipes hopefully this food recipe resp can help you who are looking for good and simple food ideas ...

Thank you hopefully useful ...

:: Greetings Healthy Always ::

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